General Resources

Listings are only available for non-profit associations and institutions. This list is intended for informational purposes only and is not an endorsement of any individual, company, product, or service. We will make every effort to keep this list current. Please report any broken links to the webmaster.

ATA Links

  • ATA Divisions offer a  language- or specialty-specific network of professionals who share business interests and issues. 
  • ATA Chapters serve translators and interpreters at the regional level by offering educational and networking opportunities in a specific geographic area. 
  • The Savvy Newcomer is a blog for newbies to the translation and interpreting profession, offering high-quality, peer-reviewed content on a weekly basis.
  • The ATA Compass is a blog offering articles and resources to show how language professionals can reach more customers, grow their business, and improve their bottom line.
  • Next Level is a business practices blog for established translators and interpreters looking to take their business to the next level.

Organizations for Translator and Interpreter Certification

General Medical Links


  • — Free access to media in multiple languages.