MED Talks – July 1

by MJM11250


The ATA Medical Division is excited to announce our third MED Talks of 2024! It will take place virtually on Monday, July 1, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. ET.

MED Talks are the ATA Medical Division content-based presentation series, free and open to all Medical Division members!

Topic: Communicating effectively across borders in clinical trials

Speaker: Dr. Matthias Steiert and Afaf Steiert


In recent years, clinical trials have become an increasingly global affair, and the trend to move clinical trials from the country where the product is being developed into emerging countries continues to grow specifically in the Middle East. Translation, adaptation, and interpreting services are necessary to accurately represent the implementation and outcomes of these trials. The language used in clinical trial protocols is becoming more and more differentiated, as it blends medical, administrative, and technical jargon, and it involves many traits which are not seen in other medical documents. At the other end of the spectrum are informed consent forms that ask the patient to agree to the protocol for his/her participation and the language must be understood regardless of level of education. Although the consequences of an inaccurate translation and interpreting can be extremely serious in terms of human lives, credibility, and economic revenues, translation is often the last step in the planning of an international clinical trial, and it is rarely given the attention that it requires. We will discuss the role of AI in developing clinical trials.

This presentation will describe elements and definitions of clinical trials, give translators and interpreters tools to familiarize themselves with clinical trials, examples of cultural adaptation as a significant component of their work, and suggestions on how to enter this specialization.

About the Speakers:

Matthias Steiert is co-founder and COO of Afaf Translations, which specializes in language services to the pharmaceutical industry. He holds a PhD in biochemistry from the University of Basel, Switzerland. Dr. Matthias is a consultant at the Children’s Cancer Hospital 57357.

Afaf Steiert is the President and founder of Afaf Translations, works as a conference Arabic interpreter and oversees all translation services at Afaf Translations. She speaks five languages and has a good knowledge of all Arabic dialects. She obtained her MSc in plant molecular biology from the University of Basel, Switzerland.

To register, please fill out this Google form by Friday, June 28. Contact us if you have any questions regarding this event at

This MED Talks presentation will be recorded, and the recording will be available for one month to all members who register. This event is for members of the ATA Medical Division only.

We can’t wait to see you on July 1st!

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