ATA61 CE Credit for Medical Interpreters

by MJM11250

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The following ATA61 sessions have been approved by CCHI for recertification:

  • Sight Translation Techniques for the 21st Century (3 PB CE hrs)
  • Advanced Research Skills for Medical Translators (3 CE hrs)
  • Special Education Interpreting (3 CE hrs)
  • Achieving Real Improvement in Your Simultaneous Interpreting (3 PB CE hrs)
  • The Interpreting Games 
  • Cybersecurity
  • Legal Translation in Plain Language 
  • Plain Language Strategies for Successful Communication
  • Decoding German Buzzwords: ‘Digitalisierung’ and All Things 4.0
  • Idioms, Expressions, and Sayings: What Lies Behind Them
  • Playful Translation
  • Challenges and Opportunities for Multilingual Voice Assistants
  • Working Together: Finding Harmony in the Language Services
  • From Little Fresh Meat to Oily Uncles: A Beginner’s Guide to Translating Chinese Internet Slang Terms
  • Mastering Cultural Nuances in French: Identifying and Translating Regionalisms
  • Translating Nonbinary Characters from English into Spanish
  • Translating for the Pharmaceutical Industry and Language Access
  • Legal Translation: How Hard Can It Be?
  • Long Consecutive Interpreting: Memory and Notes, Part I (1 PB CE hr)
  • Long Consecutive Interpreting: Memory and Notes, Part II (1 PB CE hr)
  • Interpret Interpreting
  • Academic and Popular-Academic Translation (German>English)
  • The Challenge of Agreement in Proofreading
  • Translation Scams
  • Alternative Translation
  • The Spanish Gerund: Advanced Guidelines for Effective Translation/Proofreading
  • Interpreting for Workers’ Compensation Depositions
  • Style is Everything: Tips for Polishing Your French>English Translations
  • ISO 17100 and Beyond: ISO Standards for Translators and Interpreters
  • Medical Reporting for Translators and LSPs: From Pharmacogenomics to Clinical Research Lay Summaries
  • How Medical Interpreting Standards Can Shed New Light on Ethics for Court Interpreting
  • Exploring Gender-Neutrality in Grammatically Gendered Languages
  • Translation and Interpreting Services at the National Institutes of Health
  • Hearing Impairment and Dual-Language Learning: The Interpreter’s Role
  • Handling English for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics
  • French>English Official Document Translation: From Attestation to Zoology
  • Terminology of the Ears, Nose, and Throat
  • The Benefits of a Lifetime in Professional Organizations
  • The Power of ‘No’: Self-Confidence for Translators and Interpreters
  • Language Access in a ‘New’ Big City, Part I
  • Language Access in a ‘New’ Big City, Part II
  • Untangling the Labyrinth of Immigration Proceedings for Interpreters
  • Deposition Interpreting Workshop II
  • Getting Started with Terminology Management
  • Advocacy 101 for Independent Contractors: It’s Pretty Easy!
  • No Longer the ‘Third Wheel’: Overcoming the Challenges of Working with Interpreters in the Mental Health Encounter, Part I
  • No Longer the ‘Third Wheel’: Overcoming the Challenges of Working with Interpreters in the Mental Health Encounter, Part II
  • Drugs, Medications, and Pharmacology: Implications for Spanish-Language Interpreters and English>Spanish Translators
  • Inclusive English>French Translation for Human Resources in Francophone Europe and Canada
  • Interpreter? Interrupter? How to Be an Effective Interpreter for Depositions
  • Program Model: Workplace Spanish for Medical Interpreting, Part I
  • Supporting and Sustaining Workplace Spanish for Medical Interpreting, Part II
  • Immigration Terminology Traps
  • Interpreting During Neuropsychological Evaluations
  • Linguistic Validation: How Linguists Help Ensure Clinical Trial SuccessResearch Methods for Medical Terminology

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